Thursday, 12 July 2012

Influences of Media

The other day, me and Eugene were having lunch at Old town at the lake, (my tummy was demanding some wantan noodles.) then le wild chick shows up and asks us if we would do a survey for her assignment. She was in Communications or something of the sort.

And in her survey were all these really deep (to me anyway) questions, most of them revolving around how much the media affects the choices you make. (social life, music, sex life, fashion) Now, I didn't really have a lot of time to ponder about those questions right then and there (mainly because the chick was hovering over my wantan noodles to get her survey back) so I just said 'maybe' to everything.

But it's really interesting though. Just how much of the choices we make in life are actually influenced by the media? By media, I'm assuming TV, radio, the internet, etc. (I doubt a lot of people my age actually read the newspaper. I read newspaper articles, but only when people post them on Facebook. Heh.) I'm guessing it all boils down to whether you're going to follow the stream or not. But now, it's considered cool if you go against what's mainstream. (Nowadays, these people are called hipsters. In case anyone didn't know. Click on this link to find out more about hipsters!) I don't consider myself a hipster. Even though I shop at thrift stores and buy second-hand clothes at bazaars, (this is partially because I'm constantly broke and I believe in recycling because I'm a hippie like that) I sport a shaggy hobo-like hair cut, (only because it takes too effing long to do my hair in the morning and also because I'm too stingy to pay someone to cut my hair. Yes, I cut my own hair. Shut up.) I occasionally wear plastic rimmed glasses, (but only because I'm partially blind and I can't wear my contacts all the time. And also because quality Ray Ban plastic rims are lighter and more durable than the metal wire ones. I step on mine a lot. And they come in all shapes and colors too!) I am currently pursuing a degree in Graphic Design, (but in my defense, I've been in the Arts stream since I was 16 long before I found out about these hipsters) I listen to indie music, (mainly because I think there are a lot of talented people out there who are being under-appreciated) and I only date guys outside my race.

Oh god. Maybe I am a hipster.

Damn it.

But still. I'm not entirely convinced it was the media that influenced me to become this way. I think it's the people I hang out with. Or used to hang out with. Forgive me, I went to community college with other left-wing liberals. I also used to date an uber-hipster for a large portion of my college life. Who was also a left-wing liberal. Huh.

Wednesday, 11 July 2012

Trolling like a boss!

So, me, Vandy and Eugene (Lynz would have been there but she was seduced by the sandman and getting her snooze on.) went out on a day of trolling. We were supposed to go to the zoo and give our free shrugs but it was raining. (Boooo...)

Then, we just decided to go to Timesquare and eat! We went to this awesome steamboat restaurant where we discussed how we were going to spend the day trolling random people. It was oodles and oodles of fun!

Life: Money vs Friends & Family

So, I had a very interesting conversation last night with the guy I'm seeing. He's in business management. (I know, what the hell am I doing hanging around boring business dudes, right?) And I can see an obvious difference in the views of life between us. He's more of a career-orientated person where he strives to reach the top of the ladder, and is aware of the sacrifices he needs to make (in terms of spending time with his family and friends) in order to get to that level. In his defense, he has the idea that providing his future family (meaning his wife and kids) with lots of money and opportunities are essential to their happiness. (Sigh.. Asians are nuts)

But I personally believe that being on top (of the career-ladder) doesn't necessarily guarantee a happy life. Yes, you'll have money and success, but you can't take all that to the grave. (Actually you can't take anything to the grave that might actually be useful when you're deadsies.) When I die, I want people to remember me for who I am. Not what I have achieved. I would much rather not become a slave to the world. I want people to miss me for the way I have influenced their lives, and for being a big part of their lives. I don't want to be an important person in the world. I want to be an important person in the lives of those who are important to me.

Sooo... If you were to ever give me the option of working late for the advancement of my career, or going home early to have a romantic dinner with my man, that would be a no-brainer. (Unless of course, I had nothing else going for me and I turned out to be a pathetic cat lady. Which is not that far from my life now.)

Cat lady in training.