So, we just finished handing in our final assignments. And between you and me, I'm glad to be done.
My teammates were a dream to work with. Well, the procrastination could have been lesser, but then again I'm just as guilty on that. I do love how everyone has their own strengths. I was better at words, so I did most of the writing and presenting. Maisha was our organizer and also took up the Sketchup parts, and lynz did the final touches on the report, combining and printing. And the rest of the work was divided up equally among the rest. Everyone took part and participated (Except for Terri who kinda just disappeared in the middle of everything. Not cool.)
I think I'm very proud of my team. We did a good job, considering the amount of procrastination that went into these projects.
I think the idea of Terraverde really developed as we went into the details of the microsite, the event day, and the merchandise. Here's what we have up on our discussion wall on facebook.
Lets start from the beginning.
So these are the backgrounds that I made for the microsite. We wanted each page to have different backgrounds. So, I had to make a few.
This one is just a simple forest background with a tree stump. I got the face off of the internet and put it in the tree. Blue flowers and mushrooms are also edited and put in. |
This one is my favorite. I just got a picture with a close up of mushrooms and edited and painted on it. They look like magic mushrooms! |
I really like the rays of sunlight streaming from between the leaves. |
This one was tricky because of the dark foreground. It made the fairy lights look less natural. Not that fairies are a naturally occurring phenomenon. |
Now, for the merchandising, I made only two. But I tried to compensate with my charismatic charms during presentation. Hahahahahaa.... (yeah right)
This is a pen drive, shaped like Etta's sword. Minimal editing on this one. I just changed the colors of the rhinestones and smoothed out one side of the sword to put the logo. |
These are pendants. Our target audience is mostly female, and we girls have a fondness of personalization on our jewelry. It makes us feel special and what not. |
For the event, I was in charge of the function of the booths and what goes inside them. So I made signs and such. The event was based on a festival in the movie, Midsummer's eve festival which is also an ancient festival during medical times to celebrate the summer solstice. Read about it
These are Booth signs. Hung on the side of the poles.
This is for the costume and photo booth. |
Gaming centre and merchandising for games. |
Merchandise.. duh. |
This is the food booth, where we have a selection of delectable pies! |
Here, we have gaming stations for the contest and for just gaming. |
This is where the photo booth is. Also a wide selection of costumes. |
Merchandise booth selling all of our stuff we made last time. Also, lucky draw contests to win merchandise!! |
Delicious medieval themed pies!! Actual medieval recipes! And apple cider served in a viking mug :P |
Well, it has come to an end. That was fun though. The storyline could be better, but I'm not that good at making plots. Loved the details of this movie though. I could see myself falling in love with it <3 <3