Wednesday 27 June 2012

Map my world!

I actually have absolutely no idea what this topic is supposed to be about. Map your world? As in, literally mapping out? Or just planning? Or places I've been?


Planning, I guess? Let's do that.

Ok, so at this point in my life, I'm actually satisfied with where I am. I'm studying in the field that I've always been passionate about since I could even remember. I remember being in love with art since the first grade. I even remember my art teacher. He had a long name like Artemis or something weird like that. But he had us all call him Mr. Art just for the sake of not complicating things. (Obviously, since we were 6 at the time.) He was awesome. He reminded me of those cool art show hosts with the jovial, funny attitude and weird caterpillar mustache.

So yeah. I am satisfied with where my life is going. I used to be really upset with the way my life was before. Just because I felt like I didn't have a lot of direction. I was just bouncing around, not really knowing what I was doing at the time. And then, I took a well deserved break and went around touring Europe to see all the amazing art destinations. Like the Mona Lisa and the Nike of Samothrace in the Lourve, Botticelli's Primavera and Birth of Venus at the Uffizi Gallery, Picasso's Guernica in Madrid, the friggin Sistine Chapel!!!! I crossed off a lot of things on my bucket list.

When I got back, it was decided. I was going back to school to rediscover my passion.


So apparently. This is all wrong, Map your world means the way you see the world when you step out of your door. Well, that was a waste of half an hour wasn't it?? I was bearing my soul!

Ah well..

The way I see the world is actually pretty straightforward. Occasionally, I do daydream while I'm out and about. But usually, I daydream about me being damsel in distress and a certain man in my life coming to save me. Sometimes, I even die in my daydreams. I usually die in a very violent manner in my mind. Either being stabbed or shot in a robbery. I just want someone I love to be sad when I die. Even if only initially. God, that sounds really narcissistic.

I also have really weird flashes of violent situations. Like when I'm waiting for the train, I have a sudden flash in my mind where someone pushes me in front of a moving train. And also, when I'm holding a knife (usually this is in the kitchen) and someone is in the room with me, I have sudden flashes in my mind where I would plunge the knife into the other person. And stab them to death.

......Don't worry, I talked to my shrink about it. (not really a shrink, but more of a close friend who is studying psychology.) I'm ok, it just means I'm afraid of violence.

Or not. *insert evil laugh*

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