Wednesday 27 June 2012


This is a weird topic to be blogging about. But then again in my dictionary, weird means awesome.

So, fetishes!

To me, a fetish is kind of like an obsession. I know it doesn't necessarily mean sexual obsession but, when a person says fetish, that's usually what comes to mind. Maybe that's just me.

Personally, I don't have any fetishes of my own. I mean, I like to keep a healthy lifestyle and not have any particular obsessions. Obsessions and fetishes usually imply an unbalanced lifestyle. And balance means a lot to me in my life. And besides, I feel like my sexual habits are a tad personal to be blogging about... I'm a prude like that. (not really, haha)

Although, at different intervals in my life, I have been known to be obsessed with a few things before. Like when I first started out in college, I was just being exposed to the delicate art of painting. This was when I discovered the many many different characteristics of the paint brush. There are different sizes; huge to minuscule, then different shapes; mop, filbert, flat, angle, round, etc. Then of course, the different materials it's made of; boar, squirrel, horse, synthetic.. and one of my most treasured ones was made of camel hair! That was an especially rewarding find :)

You know what? I think that is the only obsession I've been known to have. Huh.. Regardless, obsessions can be good sometimes, I guess. At least you're passionate about something. Which makes you an interesting person. I think it's such a shame when I meet someone who is just plain boring.

I hate boring people.

I'm more into people who are weird or eccentric. Which brings us to our next topic, eccentricity! Being eccentric to me just means being a little bit extraordinary or different. Perhaps quirky or weird. which is actually what I like to described myself as. I mean, I don't just suddenly decide that I am. People just tell me that I'm weird and I guess that's what makes me.. me!

Like this one time.... in band camp..  Haha.. no, it was summer camp. I used to be in Girl Scouts, and I went to this summer camp when I was 9 years old in Ohio, US. So we were staying in these little wooden cabins and this one night, a bat got in the cabin and everybody just started freaking out and screaming and running everywhere. And I would just stand there and say, "but... I like bats."

Then, people started thinking I was weird. I tried to fight my eccentricity all throughout my schooling days, and just try to fit in with people. But alas, after leaving school, I decided I had to be true to myself. Now, I've come to terms with my weirdness and I'm proud of that :)

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