Thursday, 31 May 2012

Superhero Challenge

And so it ends... I've finally completed the final stages of the superhero challenge. And I apologize for posting this very late. I was supposed to put it up immediately after class, but unfortunately late nights have taken it's slow, deathly toll on me, and caused me to pass out for a couple of hours. Eeek!

Now, the reason I chose 'The Procrastinator' as my alter ego is because I wanted a humorous twist to this challenge. Not only am I actually a natural procrastinator, but I've gotten quite good at it over the years. The thing with procrastination with me is that I work best under pressure, and when I'm completing an assignment at the last minute, that's when most of my best ideas surface. I had executed my final outcome in the form of a 'baseball card'. With her strengths, and weaknesses, and favorite foods... etc.

Instead of putting up a video for the challenge, I chose to reflect my story of the Procrastinator on a short comic strip. I'm really proud of this just because I came up with the idea last night! I'm being a true procrastinator.

Pls excuse the bad quality. The rude assistants at the purple corridor are really starting to piss me off.

Okaaay.. I don't want you to think I actually do this to my friends. Granted, I will be extra persistent in distracting people if I really needed the company, but not to that extent. This (obviously) is an exaggeration to my character..

The league of extraordinary derps.

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