Tuesday, 1 May 2012


Tell me that movie wasn't awesome? Well, it was a bit cheesy with the whole superhero stuff, but they had some damn good funny moments in that movie. My favorite part was when Loki was confronted with the Hulk and he said "That's it!! I will NOT be bullied by some.." Then the Hulk just picked him up and bashed him around like a rag doll. Effin HIGH-larious!!

Photo compliments of FunPhotos.co

Ok, moving on.. So like I said, I've pretty much got the whole outfit for the Superhero challenge figured out. Color schemes and all. And here are the choices:

 It's not all that, but I think it works well together. I had to just get stuff I already had and put them together. Like the top part is a black bustier paired with a really short black mini-skirt and emerald-green tights. Then a red belt to create lines and sections. Then I'm just going to get some fabric from Kamdar and fasten it to my top to create a cape. Now, I'm thinking if I should add a logo to the cape. But I dunno if it will be overdoing it.. I mean, I've got the superhero go-go boots and mask, and gloves. Do I really need a logo? It might be too obvious.. Am I overthinking this??

This was an earlier sketch I didn't put up before. But I'm still using the name and motto!

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