Thursday 31 May 2012

Superhero Challenge

And so it ends... I've finally completed the final stages of the superhero challenge. And I apologize for posting this very late. I was supposed to put it up immediately after class, but unfortunately late nights have taken it's slow, deathly toll on me, and caused me to pass out for a couple of hours. Eeek!

Now, the reason I chose 'The Procrastinator' as my alter ego is because I wanted a humorous twist to this challenge. Not only am I actually a natural procrastinator, but I've gotten quite good at it over the years. The thing with procrastination with me is that I work best under pressure, and when I'm completing an assignment at the last minute, that's when most of my best ideas surface. I had executed my final outcome in the form of a 'baseball card'. With her strengths, and weaknesses, and favorite foods... etc.

Instead of putting up a video for the challenge, I chose to reflect my story of the Procrastinator on a short comic strip. I'm really proud of this just because I came up with the idea last night! I'm being a true procrastinator.

Pls excuse the bad quality. The rude assistants at the purple corridor are really starting to piss me off.

Okaaay.. I don't want you to think I actually do this to my friends. Granted, I will be extra persistent in distracting people if I really needed the company, but not to that extent. This (obviously) is an exaggeration to my character..

The league of extraordinary derps.

Wednesday 9 May 2012


Ahh.. Wings! The symbol of flight. There isn't a soul on earth who has never dreamt of being able to fly at least once in their life.

Heck, I still have that wish to fly. Especially when I've been stuck in traffic for two hours. I'm sure everyone has their own ideas of flight and fantasy. Some would dream of flying without wings, some with fairy wings, some with robotic airplane wings, some with butterfly wings, some gluttonous ones with chicken wings, etc.

If I were to have wings, I would imagine myself in dragonfly wings. I think dragonflies are misunderstood. Most ancient folklores always depict dragonflies and evil and unlucky creatures. For example, in Swedish folklore dragonflies are called 'Blind Stingers' and rumored to have a penchant for scratching people's eyes out! And also the devil uses dragonflies to weigh people's souls.

Well, who am I to say that they are not? I have no beef with the Swedish.

The point is, dragonflies have a dark side to them. Maybe it's something as simple as just looking really creepy. But it may be something even more. Which is why I like them. They are mysteriously evil. Just like me. (Though admitting it on this blog is not very mysterious.)

But they may also be a representative of good. In some cultures, when a person dies, their souls turn into dragonflies.

A good example of dragonfly wings would be from  Zoe Kravitz from the X-Men First Class movie. That is exactly what I would want. It wouldn't even matter if I couldn't fly. The tattoos alone are badass enough.

But unfortunately, I do not have such luxury to have a big prominent tattoo on my back and arms. So, basically during my more rebellious teenage years I settled for something less 'in your face'. And in a less obvious part of my body. This is a rendition of it.

Tuesday 1 May 2012

Aesthetics vs the machine?

I'm going to assume that this topic means beauty vs functionality. Now, I think that this whole topic usually revolves around the type of person you're discussing. Some people might go for beauty over functionality (ie: Lady Gaga of Taylors. you know who I'm talking about) and some might go for functionality over beauty. (ie: me and my piece of crap Kancil, which I will love til the end of the world.) I guess it all boils down to what you're looking for, your priorities and the amount of money you can spend on it.

This is an age-old topic. I'm sure people discuss it all the time. But like everything else in life, we just need to find a good balance. Something that is both functional and yet aesthetically pleasing. One example I can think of would be electronic devices made by Apple. They don't just function extraordinarily (though once you've used it everyday, it no longer remains extraordinary but becomes just plain ordinary, thus setting our functionality standards higher and higher.) but they are also extraordinarily well designed. Nowadays, who wouldn't want to be caught seen strutting around campus with a Macbook tucked under their arm? Once, something has been created with extraordinary functionality and beauty, and yet still made inexpensive (unlike stuff made by Bang & Olufsen. I mean, who are they trying to kid, really?), they tend to turn into a status item. It's kind of like the laptop equivalent of a man's car. Men like to think their cars determine their social status, just like kids of Generation Y like to think their electronics determine their social status.

Steve Jobs derping around with a Macbook.

I use a RM 99 CSL phone with no camera, no bluetooth and minimal internet access. And I borrowed it from my 15 year old sister who now uses an iPhone. The Macbook I use is lent by my older sister who is apparently getting a newer and better version of the Macbook Pro. And the camera I use now belongs to my dad. Technically, I don't own a single electronic device. Not to mention, I have a beat-up green kancil that looks like shit. But for years, it's (almost) never failed me. It's not really fast but it gets me from point A to B. Her name is Jules and she is Jewish. And she is green. And she's awesome.

And yet, my social activities are above par. In your face, society!


Tell me that movie wasn't awesome? Well, it was a bit cheesy with the whole superhero stuff, but they had some damn good funny moments in that movie. My favorite part was when Loki was confronted with the Hulk and he said "That's it!! I will NOT be bullied by some.." Then the Hulk just picked him up and bashed him around like a rag doll. Effin HIGH-larious!!

Photo compliments of

Ok, moving on.. So like I said, I've pretty much got the whole outfit for the Superhero challenge figured out. Color schemes and all. And here are the choices:

 It's not all that, but I think it works well together. I had to just get stuff I already had and put them together. Like the top part is a black bustier paired with a really short black mini-skirt and emerald-green tights. Then a red belt to create lines and sections. Then I'm just going to get some fabric from Kamdar and fasten it to my top to create a cape. Now, I'm thinking if I should add a logo to the cape. But I dunno if it will be overdoing it.. I mean, I've got the superhero go-go boots and mask, and gloves. Do I really need a logo? It might be too obvious.. Am I overthinking this??

This was an earlier sketch I didn't put up before. But I'm still using the name and motto!